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The Waelder City Council met for their Regular Council Meeting on December 1, 2009 at 7:00 P.M. Those present were Mike Harris, Robert Tovar, Dora Ramirez, Annie Jackson and Curtis Hadnot. Mayor Roy Tovar did preside.

The meeting was called to order and a quorum was established.

A motion was made by Mike Harris to approve the minutes, with a second by Curtis Hadnot. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was made by Mike Harris to approve the payment of the bills, with a second by Dora Ramirez. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was made by Robert Tovar to approve the financial reports, with a second by Dora Ramirez. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

Open Forum: None

The Council convened to Executive Session at 7:10 p.m .according to Texas Government Code551.074: Personnel Matters: Overall Employees: David Urban (CPA) – Review Employee Status

The Council reconvened to Open Session at 7:17 p.m.
No Action Taken

A motion was made by Mike Harris to approve the $300/per month EMS Lease with a second by Robert Tovar beginning on January 4, 2010. Three in favor and one abstain(Curtis Hadnot ). Motion carried.

Philp Ruiz spoke to the Council on the Texas Neighborhood Stabilization Program and mention that the State met with the Mayor, Avery, Norma on Nov. 17, 2009. The Homes that are to be built and sold on 1st Come, 1st Serve. The Home Buyer will need to live in the home for a maximum of 5 years. The interest rate will vary. The person will fill out an application for the home and will be told about the payments and interest rate. The City will need to purchase the property and have the house built with this grant.

A motion was made by Mike Harris to cast the votes for Lauren Clampit for Gonzales County Appraisal District Director and Adopting Resolution Recording the Vote with a second by Dora Ramiez. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was made by Mike Harris to appoint Dora Ramirez and Annie Jackson to Schedule and Plan City Christmas Event 12-18-09, with a second by Robert Tovar. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

The Council convened to Executive Session at 8:19 p.m. according to Texas Government Code 551.074: Longevity Pay

The Council reconvened to Open Session at 8:27 p.m.
A motion was made by Dora Ramirez to approve same employee longevity pay as last year, with second by Robert Tovar. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was passed by Curtis Hadnot to adjourn with a second by Dora Ramirez. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

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