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The Waelder City Council met for a Special Called Meeting on July 15, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. at Waelder City Hall. Those present Mike Harris, Dora Ramirez, Annie Jackson and Becky Ayala. (Absent: Robert Tovar) Mayor Roy Tovar did preside.

The meeting was called to order and a quorum was established.

A motion was made by Mike Harris to decline the bid with Majek Demolition for the amount of $50,719.00 with a second by Dora Ramirez with the acceptation for Rebids of 3 quotes. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was made by Mike Harris to approve the Mobile Home Permit for Joe Rincon with a second by Becky Ayala. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was made by Dora Ramirez to approve the Mobile Home Permit for Misty Almaraz/Rita Q. Smoak with a second by Becky Ayala. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

The Council convened to Executive Session at 7:20 p.m. according to Texas Government Code 551.074: Personnel Matters: Police Department; Sponsorship – C. Rios

The Council reconvened to Open Session at 7:53 p.m. A motion was made by Mike Harris to disapprove the sponsorship for Christi Rios with a second by Becky Ayala. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

The Council convened to Executive Session at 7:54 p.m. according to Texas Government Code 551.074: Overall Evaluations (Tabled until Oct. )

The Council convened to Executive Session at 7:54 p.m. according to Texas Government Code 551.074: Overall Review all Departments: Cell Phones, Time Clock, Overtime, Workorder Form, Inventory Checklist and Billing Department (Issue Letters)

The Council reconvened to Open Session at 8:52 p.m. A motion was made by Becky Ayala to approve one cell phone per Department and the same phones will be used for the on call employees with a second by Mike Harris. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was made by Becky Ayala to approve (2) two time clocks starting on September 1, 2010 with a second by Annie Jackson. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was made by Mike Harris to approve the (10) ten on called hours as regular time, extra time on calls is overtime with second by Becky Ayala. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was made by Becky Ayala to approve Workorder form/Daily Activity Sheet for each department (not including P.D) with a second Mike Harris. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was made by Becky Ayala to issue a 2nd letter on the 13th of each month for a customer reminder that, “They will be discontinued on the 25th “or/ “They can talk to the City Secretary” with a second by Mike Harris. The vote was unanimous and the motion was made.

A motion was made by Dora Ramirez to table the overall Evaluations with a second by Becky Ayala. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was made by Mike Harris to post the part-time position on the front of the City Hall for 1 wk. with a second by Becky Ayala. The vote was unanimous and the vote was passed.

A motion was made by Becky Ayala to bring anything and everything into each department and check-in and check-out by each supervisor and from each department with a second by Annie Jackson. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was adjourn by Mike Harris with a second by Annie Jackson. The vote unanimous and the motion was passed.

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